
Certified Functional Safety Expert (CSFP)

In industries where safety is paramount, such as automotive, aerospace, and manufacturing, ensuring functional safety is critical to protect people, assets, and the environment. Our Certified Functional Safety Expert (CSFE) program equips professionals with the advanced knowledge and skills needed to excel in the field of functional safety engineering.


The Certified Functional Safety Expert (CSFE) program is a comprehensive certification designed for engineers, managers, and practitioners involved in the design, implementation, and assessment of safety-critical systems. This program covers all aspects of functional safety, from fundamental principles to advanced methodologies and standards compliance.

  • Expert-Led Instruction: Learn from industry experts with extensive experience in functional safety engineering.
  • Hands-On Projects: Engage in practical exercises and case studies to reinforce learning.
  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Covering relevant standards (e.g., ISO 26262, IEC 61508), risk analysis techniques, and safety lifecycle management.
  • Professional Certification: Earn a globally recognized certification upon successful completion of the program.
  • Advance Your Career: Gain specialized expertise that is in high demand across various industries.
  • Ensure Compliance: Learn how to navigate complex regulatory requirements and standards effectively.
  • Drive Innovation: Acquire the skills to design and implement cutting-edge safety-critical systems.

Module 1: Introduction to Functional Safety

  • Understanding the importance of functional safety in engineering.
  • Overview of relevant standards and regulations.
  • Fundamentals of safety integrity levels (SIL) and automotive safety integrity levels (ASIL).

Module 2: Risk Analysis and Hazard Assessment

  • Techniques for hazard identification and risk assessment.
  • Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) and fault tree analysis (FTA).
  • Determining safety requirements based on risk analysis.

Module 3: Safety Lifecycle Management

  • Overview of the safety lifecycle according to relevant standards.
  • Planning and executing safety-related activities throughout the product development lifecycle.
  • Documentation requirements and safety case development.

Module 4: Functional Safety in Practice

  • Implementing functional safety concepts in system design and development.
  • Validation and verification of safety-critical systems.
  • Managing changes and modifications to safety-critical systems.

Module 5: Standards Compliance and Certification

  • Understanding key functional safety standards (e.g., ISO 26262, IEC 61508).
  • Achieving compliance and certification for safety-critical products.
  • Interpreting and applying standards in practical scenarios.

Module 6: Case Studies and Best Practices

  • Analysis of real-world functional safety challenges and solutions.
  • Best practices for ensuring functional safety in different industries.
  • Lessons learned from notable safety-critical incidents.

The CSFE program is suitable for:

  • Engineers and developers involved in safety-critical system design and implementation.
  • Project managers responsible for overseeing functional safety projects.
  • Quality assurance professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge of safety standards and regulations.
  • Anyone interested in pursuing a career in functional safety engineering.

Enroll Now

Join us in becoming a Certified Functional Safety Expert and take your career to new heights. Gain the expertise to ensure safety and reliability in safety-critical systems across various industries.

Get In Touch!

Contact us for a quote or in case of any urgent queries please send us an email on: info@orientmct.com
we will get back to you right away!

7th Floor - Al Otaiba Tower