
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

 this course will teach delegates to learn and demonstrate to a level of competence on how to operate fire fighting and fire protection equipment and how to deal with various fire situations 


246 Ratings

Course Overview

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) training was designed to safely manage
the chemicals in your workplace is good for business. It will improve employees’ safety and health. It
will potentially introduce cost savings, through more effective work practices such as correct storage,
handling, use and disposal procedures. This chemical safety guide is intended for small businesses. In
particular, it provides guidance for completing your chemical risk assessment. As per guidelines of

Learning Objectives


• Identify personnel who are exposed to risk


Understand the need for risk assessments


Recognize the hazards associated with specific chemicals


Understand the design and function of gas cylinders and its Safe Use


Select appropriate personal protective equipment


• Re-assess storage facilities in line with safe working practices


• Identify unsafe working practices when working with gas control equipment


• Understand the key actions required in an emergency situation

Course Outline

Day One

Introduction Hazardous Substance
II. understanding common legislations on chemical handling and transportation
III. Understanding Chemical Hazards classes and its risk
IV. Understanding Chemical hazard labelling and standards
V. Understanding and interpretation of Safety Data Sheet
VI. Basic chemical handling, the “Do’s and Don’ts”
VII. Identification of Safe and Unsafe practices – common mistakes
VIII. Mitigation and control equipment
IX. Use of chemical suits & PPE
X. Response during Hazmat incident
XI. Containment, decontamination and mitigation procedures using chemical spill kit
XII. Chemical spill exercises and practices.


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