

Oil and Gas


Geomodelling is a course that teaches the fundamental principles and practices of creating geological models for oil and gas exploration and production. The course covers topics such as data integration, geological and geophysical interpretation, structural modelling, reservoir characterization, and simulation.

Participants will learn how to use advanced software tools and techniques to create 3D models of the subsurface, which are used to analyze and predict reservoir behavior.

The course also covers the use of geostatistics and uncertainty analysis to evaluate and mitigate risk in exploration and production decisions.

This course is designed for geoscientists, reservoir engineers, and other technical professionals involved in the exploration and production of oil and gas. Participants will gain practical knowledge and skills in geological modeling, including data management, interpretation, and analysis. For further information, interested individuals can contact us directly or send us an email.

For further information, interested individuals can contact us directly or send us an email.

Get In Touch!

Contact us for a quote or in case of any urgent queries please send us an email on: info@orientmct.com
we will get back to you right away!

7th Floor - Al Otaiba Tower