
Hazardous Waste Management and Pollution Control

Course Overview

Safely managing the waste in your workplace is good for business and it is good for everyone! It will improve your employees’ safety and health. It will potentially introduce cost savings, through more effective work practices such as correct storage, handling, use and disposal procedures. Potential harm to the environment and effects from pollution will also be reduced. 

It is critical for every individual involved with waste & environment management, whether with its handling, disposal or more commonly with its transportation, to acquire the relevant safe handling knowledge and skills. 

This course provides methodology for identifying hazards and implementing controls and ensures every professional involved has the knowledge and skills to ensure the safe handling of general/hazardous waste as well as drafts of contingency & emergency plans. 

Learning Objectives

  • Understanding the International protocols driving the more effective management of hazardous materials. 
  • Reviewing the waste disposal practice in the context of growing environmental awareness. 
  • Obtaining performance improvement through the implementation of an environmental management system. 
  • Introducing new developments in waste management practic

Course Outline

Day One
  • Day 1 

    • Health and safety hazards.  Health and safety signs and their meanings 
    • How employers and employees can keep people healthy and safe 
    • Understanding common legislations on waste handling and transportation 
    • Understanding classification of Hazards Materials and its risk 
    • Understanding hazard labelling and standards 
    • Understanding and interpretation of Safety Data Sheet 
    • Basic waste handling, the “Do’s and Don’ts” 
    • Identification of Safe and Unsafe practices – common mistakes 
    • Mitigation and control equipment.   
    • Response during Hazmat incident 
    • Containment, decontamination, and mitigation procedures using chemical spill kit 
    • Personal protective equipment and its use 
    • The benefits of good health and safety at work 
    • The consequences of poor health and safety at work. 


    Day 2 

    • Roles and Responsibilities 
    • Hazardous Substances  
    • Substances Covered by COSHH Regulations  
    • The Effects of Hazardous Substances 
    • Monitoring and Health Surveillance 
    • Hazardous Substance Risk Assessment 
    • Incidents 


    Day 3 

    Engineering controls & Handling Waste  

    • Engineering controls, work practices and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 
    • PPE selection Totally encapsulating chemical protective suits 
    • Handling drums and containers, Material handling equipment 
    • Sampling of drum and container contents, Shipping, and transport 

    Decontamination procedures, Equipment, and solvents 

    • Personal protective clothing and equipment 
    • Commercial laundries or cleaning establishments 
    • Showers and change rooms 

    Emergency response to hazardous substance release 

    • Emergency response plan. Elements of an emergency response plan 
    • Procedures for handling emergency response 
    • Skilled support personnel & Specialist employees 
    • Training 
    • First responder awareness & operations level 
    • Hazardous materials technician & specialist level  
    • On scene incident commander 
    • Medical surveillance and consultation 
    • Chemical protective clothing 

    Post emergency response operatio

Who Should Attend?

This highly practical and interactive course has been specifically designed for:

Operators and staff dealing with hazardous material 

Get In Touch!

Contact us for a quote or in case of any urgent queries please send us an email on: info@orientmct.com
we will get back to you right away!

7th Floor - Al Otaiba Tower