Certificate in Anti Money Laundering
Business Management
The process by which an individual determines direction, influences a group, and directs the group toward a specific goal or mission.
The process by which an individual determines direction, influences a group, and directs the group toward a specific goal or mission.
Course Description
A practical interactive course that will give you a solid understanding of core money
laundering and terrorist financing risks.
In this course, you will explore the foundations of money laundering and terrorist financing and why sanctions are important, and appreciate the vulnerabilities of financial institutions to money laundering and terrorist financing. In addition, participants will discover what
anti money laundering and combating terrorist financing is in practice and what the legal
and regulatory structures look like and understanding management obligations and the risk-based approach to money laundering and terrorist financing. This course is suitable for operational or front-line staff and those considering embarking
on a new career in AML as a stepping-stone for study at a higher level.
Learning Outcome
By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
• Understand Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Sanctions
• Explain vulnerabilities of financial institutions to money laundering and terrorist
• Explore the foundations of money laundering and terrorist financing and why
sanctions are important
• Explore the foundations of money laundering and terrorist financing and why
sanctions are important
• Appreciate the vulnerabilities of financial institutions to money laundering and
terrorist financing
• Discover what anti money laundering and combating terrorist financing is in
practice and what the legal and regulatory structures look like
• Understand management obligations and the risk-based approach to money
laundering and terrorist financing
• Demonstrate Anti-money laundering and combating terrorist financing in practice
• Recognize Anti-money laundering and combating terrorist financing – legal and
regulatory structures
• Analyze management obligations and the risk-based approach to money
laundering and terrorist financing
Course Content
Contact us for a quote or in case of any urgent queries please send us an email on: info@orientmct.com
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