Electrical Power Transformers
testing and maintenance of power transformers and auxiliary equipment.Â
testing and maintenance of power transformers and auxiliary equipment.Â
Electrical machines, primarily power transformers and electric motors, are crucial manufacturing equipment that must perform without fail. To help makers and users of motors and transformer winding’s check the state of the electrical insulation, a range of tests and standards have been created.
This training course will teach you about power transformers and electric motors, including their materials, components, and how they work. It will also stress the necessity of transformer life management, particularly for transformers and electric motors that have been in service for more than ten years. All areas of transformer theory, calculations, operation, testing, and maintenance will be covered in depth in this course.
Topics included are transformer fundamentals, transformer ratings, transformer cooling, nitrogen gas systems and insulation systems. The source concludes with in-depth discussions on transformer testing techniques. This course is applicable to technicians and engineers who need a sound understanding of power transformer operation and maintenance.
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