
Gap Analysis


Gap Analysis

An OSHAD Gap Analysis objectively assesses how closely the existing management system aligns with the requirements of Abu Dhabi Occupational Safety and Health System Framework (OSHAD SF). Our professional team of OSHAD approved practitioners work with in-house teams to provide effective gap analysis support. Our experts clearly identify the modifications required to comply with the OSHAD SF requirements and include detailed advice on the most effective way to implement changes.

OrientMCT will then provide you with a Gap Analysis Report which outlines the OSHAD requirements and identifies where the company is meeting these and where further development is required. The Gap Analysis Report will clearly identify all gaps between your system and requirements of the OSHAD SF and actions required to meet and address these gaps.

Get In Touch!

Contact us for a quote or in case of any urgent queries please send us an email on: info@orientmct.com
we will get back to you right away!

7th Floor - Al Otaiba Tower