
Sulphur Recovery Process, Operation and Troubleshooting

Oil and Gas

Sulphur Recovery Process, Operation and Troubleshooting

Sulphur Recovery Process, Operation and Troubleshooting

Unconventional Reservoir Production (Rate-Transient) Analysis is a course in the oil and gas industry that focuses on analyzing the behavior of production rates and pressure changes in unconventional reservoirs, such as shale gas and tight oil formations. The course covers the principles of rate-transient analysis, which involves analyzing the rate and pressure data from a well to estimate reservoir properties such as permeability, porosity, and fracture properties.

The course also covers the use of modern tools and techniques for rate-transient analysis, including diagnostic plots, pressure transient analysis, and decline curve analysis. By the end of the course, participants will have a deep understanding of how to analyze and interpret production data from unconventional reservoirs to optimize well performance and maximize production

Sulphur Recovery Process, Operation and Troubleshooting 1

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