
Building OD Capability: Strategy and Execution

Business Management

 The process by which an individual determines direction, influences a group, and directs the group toward a specific goal or mission. 

Building OD Capability: Strategy and Execution

Organizational capabilities are concerned with the ability of the organization to combine different types of resources, especially organization specific knowledge embodied in the employees, in order to create new resources that enable the organization to achieve and sustain its competitive advantage. Organizational capabilities are viewed as a type of strategic resource since it is rare, valuable, inimitable, non-tradable, and non-substitutable..


By attending this course you will learn how to define and position the contribution of Organizational development in your organization and articulate this in the workplace, building your own credibility. This course gives you not only the knowledge and skills needed but also the understanding and confidence to use this, with traction, back in your organisation.

Get In Touch!

Contact us for a quote or in case of any urgent queries please send us an email on: info@orientmct.com
we will get back to you right away!

7th Floor - Al Otaiba Tower