
Introduction to Field Petroleum Development Planning


Embark on a journey through the essential concepts and practices of petroleum development planning with our introductory course. Designed for professionals and students in the oil and gas industry, this course covers the fundamentals of planning, designing, and managing the development of petroleum fields to maximize production efficiency and economic returns.

  • Understand the basic principles of petroleum development planning.
  • Learn to assess and evaluate reservoir potential.
  • Gain insights into the design and implementation of development plans.
  • Develop skills for managing the lifecycle of petroleum fields from discovery to abandonment.
  • Introduction to Petroleum Development Planning
    • Overview of the petroleum industry
    • Key stages in field development
  • Reservoir Evaluation and Assessment
    • Geological and geophysical data analysis
    • Reservoir characterization and modeling
  • Development Planning and Design
    • Well planning and drilling strategies
    • Surface facilities and infrastructure design
    • Production forecasting and economic analysis
  • Project Implementation and Management
    • Execution of development plans
    • Project management techniques and best practices
    • Health, safety, and environmental considerations
  • Monitoring and Optimization
    • Production monitoring and data analysis
    • Techniques for optimizing field performance
    • Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods
  • Field Abandonment and Decommissioning
    • Criteria for field abandonment
    • Decommissioning strategies and regulatory requirements
  • Case Studies and Practical Applications
    • Review of successful field development projects
    • Hands-on exercises and simulations

Upon completion of this course, participants will have a foundational understanding of field petroleum development planning. They will be equipped with the skills to evaluate reservoirs, design development plans, and manage field operations effectively, ensuring optimal production and economic performance.

  • Reservoir Engineers
  • Petroleum Engineers
  • Production Engineers
  • Geoscientists
  • Project Managers
  • Students and professionals in related fields

Enroll Now

Kickstart your career in the oil and gas industry with a solid foundation in petroleum development planning. Enroll now to gain the knowledge and skills needed to plan and manage successful field development projects.  Visit our course registration page or contact our course coordinator at Info@orientmct.com

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

No prior experience is required. This course is designed for beginners and professionals looking to gain a foundational understanding of petroleum development planning.

All necessary materials, including course manuals and access to planning software, will be provided upon enrollment. Participants will need access to a computer for certain modules.

There are no strict prerequisites, but a basic understanding of petroleum engineering concepts would be beneficial. Participants from various backgrounds are welcome to enroll.

Currently, this course is offered in-person at our training facility. However, we may offer online options in the future. Please contact us for more information.

Yes, participants who successfully complete the course will receive a certificate of completion, demonstrating their proficiency in waterflood management.

Get In Touch!

Contact us for a quote or in case of any urgent queries please send us an email on: info@orientmct.com
we will get back to you right away!

7th Floor - Al Otaiba Tower