
Petrel Mapping and Geological Workflows


The “Petrel Mapping and Geological Workflows” course is designed to provide an in-depth understanding of using Petrel software for mapping and creating geological workflows. This course covers essential tools and techniques to effectively utilize Petrel in various stages of geological and geophysical analysis, focusing on improving accuracy and efficiency in mapping and model building.

  • Master Petrel basics: Gain a thorough understanding of the Petrel software interface and its core functionalities.
  • Geological mapping techniques: Learn advanced mapping techniques within Petrel to enhance geological interpretation.
  • Workflow automation: Develop skills in creating and managing geological workflows to streamline exploration and production processes.
  • Data integration: Understand how to integrate multiple data types, including seismic, well, and production data, into cohesive geological models.
  • Reservoir characterization: Explore techniques for accurate reservoir characterization and model validation.
    • Introduction to Petrel Software:

      • Overview of the Petrel software interface
      • Basic functionalities and navigation
    • Geological Mapping in Petrel:

      • Creating and editing geological maps
      • Advanced mapping techniques for accurate subsurface interpretation
    • Building Geological Workflows:

      • Introduction to workflow creation and management
      • Automation of repetitive tasks to enhance productivity
    • Data Integration and Management:

      • Integrating seismic, well, and production data into Petrel
      • Managing large datasets for comprehensive geological analysis
    • Reservoir Characterization:

      • Techniques for reservoir characterization using Petrel
      • Validating geological models with real-world data
    • Advanced Analysis and Interpretation:

      • Utilizing Petrel for advanced geological and geophysical interpretation
      • Case studies on successful implementation of Petrel workflows
    • Be proficient in using the Petrel software for geological mapping and workflow creation.
    • Have the ability to create and manage efficient geological workflows.
    • Understand how to integrate and analyze various data types within Petrel.
    • Develop skills in accurate reservoir characterization and model validation.
    • Gain insights into advanced mapping techniques and their applications in the field.
  • Geologists
  • Geophysicists
  • Petroleum Engineers
  • Reservoir Engineers
  • Anyone interested in enhancing their skills in Petrel software and geological workflows

Enroll Now

To enroll in the “Petrel Mapping and Geological Workflows” visit our course registration page or contact our course coordinator at Info@orientmct.com


Get In Touch!

Contact us for a quote or in case of any urgent queries please send us an email on: info@orientmct.com
we will get back to you right away!

7th Floor - Al Otaiba Tower