General Industry OSH training for Industry Managers, Supervisors and Workers 132-hours OSH Professional This...
Public Sector
OSH specific to the public sector industry are essential skills to the success of organizations
OSH specific to the public sector industry are essential skills to the success of organizations
This program introduces all managers, supervisors, contractors, or construction personnel working on U.S. military contracts and any worker needing to be compliant with EM 385-1-1 regulations and compliance standards.
This training applies to Headquarters, US Army Corps of Engineers (HQUSACE) elements, major subordinate commands, districts, centers, laboratories, and field operating activities (FOA), as well as USACE contracts and those administered on behalf of USACE. Applicability of this training extends to occupational exposure for missions under the command of the Chief of Engineers, whether accomplished by military, civilian, or contractor personnel.
General Industry OSH training for Industry Managers, Supervisors and Workers 132-hours OSH Professional This...
SPECIALTY OSH specific to the Specialty industry are essential skills to the success of...
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