
Quantative Interpretation Using Seismic Data


The “Quantitative Interpretation Using Seismic Data” course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of quantitative interpretation techniques applied to seismic data in the oil and gas industry. This course covers advanced methods for extracting quantitative information from seismic data to characterize reservoir properties and make informed exploration and production decisions.

  • Fundamentals of quantitative interpretation: Gain a solid understanding of the principles and concepts underlying quantitative interpretation of seismic data.
  • Quantitative interpretation techniques: Learn advanced techniques for extracting quantitative information such as rock properties, fluid content, and geomechanical parameters from seismic data.
  • Integration with other data types: Understand how to integrate seismic data with well logs, core data, and other geophysical data for comprehensive reservoir characterization.
  • Reservoir modeling and simulation: Explore how quantitative interpretation results are used to build accurate reservoir models and improve reservoir simulation studies.
  • Case studies and practical applications: Analyze real-world examples and case studies demonstrating the application of quantitative interpretation techniques in exploration and production projects.
    • Introduction to Quantitative Interpretation:

      • Overview of quantitative interpretation principles and objectives
      • Importance of quantitative interpretation in reservoir characterization
    • Quantitative Interpretation Techniques:

      • Seismic inversion methods for extracting rock properties and fluid content
      • AVO (Amplitude-Versus-Offset) analysis for lithology and fluid discrimination
      • Seismic petrophysics for estimating reservoir parameters
    • Integration with Other Data Types:

      • Fusion of seismic data with well logs, core data, and production data
      • Joint inversion techniques for integrating multiple data sources
    • Reservoir Modeling and Simulation:

      • Incorporating quantitative interpretation results into reservoir modeling workflows
      • Improving reservoir simulation studies with quantitative interpretation data
    • Advanced Topics in Quantitative Interpretation:

      • Machine learning and artificial intelligence applications in quantitative interpretation
      • Time-lapse seismic analysis for reservoir monitoring and management
    • Case Studies and Practical Applications:

      • Real-world examples demonstrating the application of quantitative interpretation techniques
      • Hands-on exercises and practical sessions using industry-standard software tools
  • By the end of this course, participants will:

    • Have a solid understanding of quantitative interpretation principles and techniques.
    • Be proficient in using advanced methods to extract quantitative information from seismic data.
    • Understand how to integrate seismic data with other data types for comprehensive reservoir characterization.
    • Gain insights into the application of quantitative interpretation results in reservoir modeling and simulation.
    • Be equipped to apply quantitative interpretation techniques to real-world exploration and production challenges.
  • Geophysicists
  • Reservoir Engineers
  • Geologists
  • Petrophysicists
  • Data Scientists
  • Exploration and Production Professionals

Enroll Now

To enroll in the “Quantitative Interpretation Using Seismic Data” course, visit our course registration page or contact our course coordinator at Info@orientmct.com


Get In Touch!

Contact us for a quote or in case of any urgent queries please send us an email on: info@orientmct.com
we will get back to you right away!

7th Floor - Al Otaiba Tower