Scissor Lift Operator
246 Ratings
246 Ratings
This one-day Scissor Lift Operator course provides essential knowledge and practical skills required to operate scissor lifts safely. The course covers safety protocols, operational procedures, and maintenance practices, ensuring operators are well-prepared to handle scissor lifts in various work environments.
✓ Introduction
✓ Setting Ground Rules
✓ Introduction to Health &Safety
✓ Basic terminologies in Health and Safety
✓ Introduction to Scissor Lift and Scaffolding Classifications
✓ IntroductoryVideo
✓ Scissor LiftHazards and accidents
✓ All Hazards associated with Scaffolding are covered in detail and participants are taught how to identify hazards.
✓ Scissor Liftrequirements
✓ Fall Protection
✓ Differenttypes of fall protection methodsthat can be applied as per the practicalsituation and limitations.
✓ Accessories
✓ Ladder Safety
✓ Safe use of Laddersin scaffolding.
✓ Guardrails
✓ PPE is an important part of all activities and this section emphasizesthe use of PPE and its advantages.
✓ A brief but very effective information concerned with electrical safety to use scissor Lift.
✓ Safety and Legal Requirements and prohibitions
✓ Inspection before use
Duties and Responsibilities of Scissor Lift Operators section covers in detail
the Duties and Responsibilities of Scissor Lift Operator based on the topics
covered so far including recap of all safety and legal requirements.
✓ Competency Test
✓ Verification of learning would be done through first verbal test and then
through a short MCQ written test
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