
Food Safety in Hospitals

poses peculiar problems, particularly given the presence of patients who could be more vulnerable than healthy subjects to microbiological and nutritional risks


246 Ratings

Course Overview

This training module indicates the processes of handling, preparation, and storage of foodstuffs with the aim of preventing contamination of the food product and subsequent foodborne illness (or injury) of the consumer at relative hospital sites. Food safety in Health care environment is really a tough job to handle as necessary control protocols are required to completely diminish the chances of infection which can spread on account of cross contamination. This course will provide deep insight as how food safety inputs help to maintain safe operation at food making & serving units within public health facilities.

Learning Objectives


Learners will be able to understand effective cleaning and sanitising practices


Learners will be able to learn essentials for Food Handler health and hygiene


Learners will gain knowledge on the proper refrigeration, freezing, thawing, and reheating of foods


Learners will be able to learn the symptoms of food-borne illness and the nature of pathogens most associated with them


Learners will be able to Identify the effects of high-risk foods and the risks associated with each of them

Course Outline

  • Effective cleaning and sanitising practices
  • Food Handler health and hygiene
  • Proper refrigeration, freezing, thawing and reheating process of foods
  • Symptoms of food-borne illness
  • Pathogens most associated with food-borne illness
  • High-risk foods and the risks associated with each of them
  • Allergens and their effect on the body

Who Should Attend?

This highly practical and interactive course has been specifically designed for:

This course in intended for General Public and for personals performing their obligation at: Hospitals/Clinics and Catering Units

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